LoyaltyFi is a complete B2B2C platform that integrates multiple channels into an automated business process workflow that improve customer conversion from marketing efforts . LoyaltyFi put together digital and physical user experiences to the hands of our customers as a single user transaction.
LoyaltyFi is an Omnichannel marketing & sales platform that integrates business cycle process with apps, web content and physical traffic that enhance customer acquisition in terms of sales effectiveness and cost efficiency through a better user experience.
Omnichannel marketing & sales platform
Online & Offline experience for apps users
- Presence detection
- Complete Traffic tracking from digital to physical world
- GeoFacing & Geomarketing campaigns
- Email & SMS & Push Notification campaigns
- QR and printed ads campaigns
- CRM + SFA + Social Networks
- Big Data Analitycs
- Web based Campaign manager tool that allows to launch email, SMS, push notification and geofancing campaigns.
- Web Portals and social networks apps that allow long range customer experience.
- Mobile Apps that provide middle range access to customers and provide a push platform viewer.
- SMS campaigns for not SmartPhone users.
- Integration with WiFi Hotpots and Access Point (AP) + Social Networks for near point of sale area.
- Loyalty campaigns with ecoupons.
LoyaltyFi is an B2BC Omnichannel marketing & sales platform that integrates business cycle process with apps, web content and physical traffic that enhance customer acquisition in terms of sales effectiveness and cost efficiency through a better user experience.
How can you enhance Sales performance? PromosFan implements a powerful automated business process that integrates all channels like apps, web content, physical ads, social networks, geomarketing, emails, SMS, push notification message, QR ads, beacons and WiFi access in a single user experience transaction that allow to track all user activity and control in real time. LoyaltyFi can track virtual, online, offline and physical customer activities
“Mobile’s influence on in-store retail sales is growing exponentially, driven by a perfect storm of rising smartphone penetration, increased adoption by shoppers, decreasing barriers to use, and improved mobile functionality for retail applications.” - Deloitte Digital